Dec 20, 2013

Rockjewel - a Zoya nail mail

It is high time to go to bed. Instead I stay up, paint my nails, take photos of them and writes this blog post. Yeah... It is actually ok. tomorrow is the last day before three weeks holiday. No more work until second week in January. I like... :-D Even though i like my job I would prefer to be free all the time, wouldn't you? Just give me a winning lottery ticket...

Yesterday i picked up my part of a joint order of Zoya polishes. Seven of them. I have five or six before and it is not my favourite brand, I haven't been too impressed by the formula. Some are really good but some are somewhat tricky to apply. I have also had problems chosing colours. Many of the collections are a bit too traditional to my taste. 

Nevertheless I fell for the temptation when a good friend was hinting about maybe ordering a couple of Zoyas and we started to look through all of To make a long story short: I ended up with seven Zoyas, three of them from the Ornate collection.
I have swatched them all on sticks and most of them have a quite good formula. A bit jelly-ish but still applies quite easily.

I chose Zoya Aurora as the first one to swatch on nails. (I really very seldom "swatch" on nails, I paint my nails, both hands, for daily wear and not only to photograph and post in blogs.)
It has a beautiful, quite coarse, scattered holo, with a nice depth. I like this purple nuance very much!
This is two coats. It dries quite slowly, but with a quick-dry top coat it is absolutely manageable. 
I would say that the colour actually is just a tad more to the red side than what the photos show.


  1. Åhhh sååå vacker Aurora är. :-) Jag gillar Zoya, men har inte så hemskt många av dem, men de jag har är bra. Men det kanske kan vara som du säger att de inte har så mycket häftiga färger kanske...mer traditionella kanske...
    Kul att jag hittade din blogg, nu fick du en ny följare på Bloglovin'. ;-) Vill ju inte missa fler inlägg...;-)

    1. Ja den är jättefin! Svårt att låta bli att titta på naglarna i olika vinklar och olika ljus :-)
      Jag ska lägga in din blogg också så att jag följer den lite mer "automatiskt".
