Dec 4, 2013

Rockjewel gets nail mail from I Love Nail Polish 1: My Little Glacier (H)

Today I'm a happy camper, as I am every time I receive nail mail. This time it was 8 polishes from I Love Nail Polish. Quick shipping to Sweden, about a week.
Had a hard time deciding which one to try first, but finally chose My Little Glacier (H). This partly because I thought this was the most boring (read least fantastic) of them all, but oh my was I wrong! Or was I? The future will tell...

The formula is good but not perfect. First coat is a bit uneven, but still enough wih two coats. A bit streaky, but I'm not bothered too much by that. 
The multichrome effect is not very strong, but in some angles a beautiful copper tone is shown together with many different blue tones. The holo effect is not the strongest I have seen, but just perfect for this polish. I like this very much. I guess I will like the other seven polishes too.


  1. Jag tänkte först att det inte var så stark holoeffekt i Birefringence (H), men när jag tänker efter är det nog för att multichrome-effekten fullkomligt stjäl showen. Ser fram emot att testa My Little Glacier (H) också :-)

    1. Det är lite spännande med mixen av multikrom och holo, de reagerar olika i olika ljus. Multikromeffekten blir mer tydlig i mer dämpad belysning medan holon behöver mer direkt och skarpare ljus för att blomma upp.
